Dear Brothers and Sisters,
To begin, know that you are loved! As the new year is here, a new semester is as well. At Franciscan University’s opening mass for the semester, our President, Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, talked about how Jesus’ words from Mark 1:14 apply to us here and now. Jesus, speaking to the people of Galilee, says, “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel” (New American Bible, Revised Edition). What is it that the Lord may be calling you to repent of or change as we begin a new year and new semester? Maybe a repetitive sin, maybe a vice, or maybe its a call to change. One of the most important things we can do in life is to make sure we have a solid foundation. I encourage you all to join me in building a solid foundation, starting now! Without a solid foundation, you can only build so far up. Is it possible to build high? Yes, but it will be much harder, and much less stable. The Lord wants us to build our foundation around Him. When we do this, the storms of life will not shake us apart! The better the foundation, the better the building. Is it easy? No. In fact, building a solid foundation takes sacrifice, work, and often pain. You probably don’t want to study for the quiz you already have, and you may not want to go to the gym. But when you push through, and do what's best, your foundation grows. That applies to our relationship with Christ, too.
This is something I wrote back in August of 2019 and I believe it is worth sharing again. I have edited it slightly to make it more applicable….
“Life is full of changes and the world we live in seems to be changing faster than ever. These times can bring great joy, great sorrow, or both. No matter what situation you are faced with, there will only be one constant, Christ Jesus. We can try to turn our focus to the world in many ways, seeking the love and comfort we long for, yet it will only leave us feeling worse than before. Jesus, the constant, is the one who can give you the love and peace that you long for. Nothing else will fulfill your heart. Not partying, not relationships, not substances, only Christ.
As I begin my second semester of college at Franciscan University, I am learning more and more, that we all have the power to choose Christ. It often isn’t the easiest option, but it is the best option, and the only option that will fulfill our hearts. I encourage everyone to take time to ask the Lord for the strength and graces He is waiting to give to you to ease your anxieties, your worries, or whatever else is weighing on you. Turn to the One who will never leave you and never do you harm. His plans will always bring us to the place we need to be; we just have to trust and give it all to Him.” (Jesse Iamarino, August 2019)
With Christ as your foundation, no storm can make you crumble. For the next week, spend 10-15 minutes a day in silent prayer, asking the Lord where you need to work to build a stronger foundation. He will not let the storms of life overcome you!
With Love, your brother in Christ,
Jesse Iamarino
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New American Bible, revised Edition.